• Mosaic Multicultural Foundation (www.mosaicvoices.org) seeks to create cross-cultural alliances, mentoring relationships and social connections built upon personal trust and commitment to bridging unhealthy divisions in contemporary communities by revealing the 'resident genius' and unique evolutionary spirit in the story of the ‘problems’ of the situation;
  • Institute for Cultural Change (www.mythology.org) seeks to globally promote social, ecological, and cultural evolution through communication and educational models that foster curiosity, imagination, personal reflection, cross-cultural dialogue, creating a less violent, more diverse global community that relates to the natural world less destructively;
  • The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture (www.dallasinstitute.org) cares for the actual things of the urban world, visible(the city, education, architecture, medicine, art, technology, money) and invisible (friendship, the soul, taste, imagination, community, intellectual life, ritual, leadership) by bringing thought, imagination, language, and sensibility to bear on the convergence between the visible shaping of the world and the permanent values necessary for the crafting of culture;
  • The Joseph Campbell Foundation (www.jcf.org) continues the work of Joseph Campbell by exploring the fields of mythology and comparative religion in the field of worldwide culture, archiving Campbell’s works and personal library in the Joseph Campbell/Marija Gimbutas Archive & Library at Pacifica Graduate Institute, utilizing the Foundation's website as a forum for cross-cultural dialogue, helping individuals enrich participate globally in the Foundation's Internet-based Associates Program and locally in the Foundation's Network of Mythological Round Tables;
  • Institute of Imaginal Studies (www.imaginal.edu), soon to become Meridian University, focuses on generative globalization guided by a vision of sustainability, imagination, social justice, and educating psychologically aware leaders with an integrative approach to personal and cultural transformation and leadership within organizations, communities, and societies, including Centres for Imaginal Psychology and Collaborative Leadership, degrees in Creative Enterprise, Educational Leadership, and Psychology, with business and health psychology concentrations;
  • Animas Valley Institute (www.animas.org), founded in 1980 by Bill Plotkin, aims to contribute to radical cultural change and global transformation by fostering personal development through nature based soul-initiation;
  • Imaginal Institute (www.imaginalinstitute.com) is a conduit for imagining the leap between ideas and action through dialogue, lifelong learning, and creative expression, blending virtual and face-to-face communities, exploring new definitions of business, technology and media in a cross disciplinary manner that blends excellence and participation;
  • Mythic Imagination Institute (www.mythicjourneys.org) offers conferences, performance festivals, and lectures as part of the encouragment of a mythic, creative response to our own individual lives, and our lives as families, tribes, communities, nations, and as a world;
  • Assisi Conferences (www.assisiconferences.com) has provided 20 years of bringing together Jungian psychology, the arts, the new sciences, the cosmological and indigenous traditions, now offering transdisciplinary certification in the field of Archetypal Pattern Analysis developed by Michael Conforti.