• American Psychological Association, Division 32 (Humanistic Psychology) (www.apa.org/divisions/Div32), holds annual conference and publishes a journal in which humanistic, existential, transpersonal and somatic themes are addressed;
  • UK Association for Humanistic Psychology (www.ahpp.org), founded in 1980 as a professional organization concerned with maintaining standards of practice and representing the field publically, sponsors events and provides access to accredited practitioners;
  • International Network on Personal Meaning (www.meaning.ca publishes articles on health, spirituality, peace and human fulfillment through research, education, applied psychology, existentialism) and its professional arm, the International Society for Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy (www.existentialpsychology.org founded by Paul Wong, of the Christian Tyndale University College www.tyndale.ca psychology program, with a focus on existential meaning and spirituality);
  • The New School (www.newschool.edu) and Regents College (www.regent-college.edu) in London have university affiliated existential degree programs;
  • Society for Existential Analysis (www.existentialanalysis.co.uk) is UK based, with focus on existential psychology and philosophy; );
  • World Assoc. for Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling (www.pce-world.org clinical, research and academic focus);
  • U.S. Assoc. for Body Psychotherapy (www.usabp.org, a professional organization for the development and support of body oriented psychotherapy, publishes a journal and directory of practitioners) ;
  • European Association for Body Psychotherapy (www.eabp.org) has 600 professionally accredited members from 21 countries and 50 organizational members - including 24 training organizations,18 accredited with EABP, and 2 professional associations - with around 6,000 Body-Psychotherapists in Europe, providing links to many other body-psychotherapy publications;
  • International Society for Research on Emotions (www.isre.org) interdisciplinary exchange of information, training and workshops, collaborative research;
  • Network for Research on Experiential Psychotherapies (www.experiential-researchers.org), a resource, meeting place and source of ideas on experiential and humanistic psychotherapies research;
  • American Academy of Psychotherapists (www.aapweb.com) functions to enhance the person of the practitioner, challenge the practitioner, explore the relationship between person and process;
  • Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy (www.integrativetherapy.com) teaches the integration of affective, cognitive, behavioural and body-oriented psychotherapies within a relational systems perspective at residential and on-site world-wide training institutes, based on the concepts and therapeutic methods developed by Richard Erskine and members of the Professional Development Seminars;
  • International Integrative Psychotherapy Association (www.integrativeassociation.com) is a non-profit, educational organization facilitating communication among professional psychotherapists whose focus is integration within the individual using diverse methods from various traditions;
  • Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (www.cyberpsych.org/sepi interdisciplinary organization of professionals;
  • World Council for Psychotherapy (www.worldpsyche.org), with thousands of members from over 50 countries, wishes to add a 9th goal, redress of emotional suffering, to the United Nations 8 Millennium Development Goals that would ensure human dignity and freedom from fear to help achieve collective security and reduce violence, genocide and war;
  • European Association for Psychotherapy (www.europsyche.org) represents 128 organisations, including 28 national umbrella associations and 17 European-wide associations for psychotherapy, and more than 120,000 psychotherapists from 41 European countries, based on the "Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy of 1990" representing high training standards for a scientifically based, free and independent practice of psychotherapy;
  • Assoc. for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health (www.birthpsychology.com supports human development from conception through birth, ‘womb ecology determines global ecology’);
  • International Primal Association(www.primals.org, to study, research and promote deep feeling process therapy and create community);
  • the mission of Association for Holotropic Breathwork International (www.breathwork.com) is to support the practice of Holotropic Breathwork (developed by Stan and Christina Grof) as a resource for healing and transformation through enabling connections, and supporting publications and research.